HSBC/ Markit 'spurchasing managers index suggests manufacturing output and employment both fell in November. 汇丰/Markit公布的采购经理人指数(PMI)显示,11月,制造业产出和就业双双下跌。
Correlation and Path Analysis on the Morphological Index and Output of the Fresh Seedy Lotus 影响鲜食子莲产量的形态指标相关分析和通径分析
Note: Index of Industrial Output Value in this table is acculated according to the current price. 注:本表工业总产值指数为现价工业总产值指数。
The final index to a lower output in the form of power. 最后以指数的降幂形式输出。
A composite index of output in manufacturing and services from Markit, a research firm, based on purchasing-manager reports in July and August, is pointing to a further fall in GDP in the third quarter. 市场研究机构markit推出了制造业和服务业产出综合指数,该指数基于八月份的采购经理人报告,预示第三季度gdp会进一步下降。
Effects of the Physiological Index on Leaf and Output Characteristic at Microbial Fertilizer to High-oil Corn 微生物肥对高油玉米叶部生理指标及产量性状的影响
An index for storage output should accommodate the fact that small, medium and large parts may require different types of storage and handling equipment. 储存输出量的参数应该与小、中、大零件可能要求不同类型的仓储和搬运处理设备的事实相符合。
The effect of high silicon low iron material on softening temperature, balling index, quality and output of sintering ore was investigated. 分析了高硅低铁物料对铅锌矿软化温度、成球性指数、烧结矿质量与产量的影响。
The Mathematical Simulation of the Correlative Analysis and Structural Index of Output Trait of Hybrid Double-cropping Rice 湘北地区杂交双季晚稻产量性状的相关分析与结构指标的数学模拟
In this paper, a simulant model based on integrative neural network to the complexity of sintering raw materials proportioning was proposed. It can simulate the relation of the iron ore proportion and index of the sinter output and sinter quality. 针对烧结配矿的复杂性,建立了综合神经网络模拟模型,用以仿真烧结配矿与烧结矿产质量指标间的关系,并利用生产数据对模型进行了检验。
It takes the core index as output of network, other indexes as inputs of network and establishes forward neural network model. Correlation between input and output can be depicted by network. 即以核心指标作为网络输出,其他因素指标作为网络输入,建立前向神经网络模型,通过网络刻画出输入和输出之间的相关性。
The results showed that all the tested physiological index, unit area output and big bulb percentage at the density of 30cm × 30cm were the best. 结果表明,百合植株叶片的生理指标及单位面积鳞茎产量和大鳞茎产量比率均是:稀植>中度密植>密植。板栗林下套种百合以30cm×30cm密度为宜。
The results are: The principal factor keeping up a steady increase in the index of crop-culture output value is crop, especially the rapid increase of unit area yield of cereals. 结果是:促使广汉县种植业产值指数持续增长的主导因素是农作物,特别是粮食作物单位面积产量的迅速提高。
At last, we produce and design a new structure laser cavity with step reflective index output mirror, 1000W new beam on 2000W CO2 laser with transverse express flux has been obtained, it may be named as the second new laser beam. 最后,提出和设计了一种带有突变反射率输出镜的激光谐振腔,在2000W的横流CO2激光器上实现了1000W准基模新光束。这可称之为第二代激光新光束。
The design method of minimax performance index optimal constant output feedback regulators minimax指标最优定常输出反馈调节器设计方法
A Study on Active Suspension Control Algorithm Based on Frequency-shaping Performance Index and Output Feedback 基于频域加权性能指标和输出反馈的主动悬架控制策略研究
In the main multi-index comprehensive evaluation techniques, Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA) is an evaluation method that evaluates the comparable efficiency several decision-making units and it can be used to deposit the problems with several input index and several output index. 在主要的多指标综合评价方法中,DEA方法是一种评价多个决策单元相对效率的评价方法,可以处理多输入多输出问题。
It was concentrated on the realization of smart statistics index file, loading station set, statistics index set and the output of statistics results. On the above basis, the smart statistic algorithm was introduced, and an example was also available in the paper. 介绍灵巧统计索引文件、装车站集合、统计指标集合及统计结果输出等实现方法,在此基础上实现灵巧统计算法,并给出实例。
The result of the correlation analysis between the value of seedling healthy index and the output was noticeable. 对壮苗指标值和产量的相关分析表明,它们之间相关关系显著。
The nonlinear relationship is obtained between the electric polarization, dielectric constant, refractive index and output optical intensity of liquid crystals in I phase and the extern electric field. The preferable physical properties and application of this kind of materials is also pointed out. 给出液晶I相的电级化强度、介电常数、折射率和透射光强度与外加电场强度的非线性关系,指出这种材料的优良物理特性及其应用。
At the aim of intensifying the asset consciousness of railway land, this paper firstly put forward the concept of input intensity index and output index of railway land on the basis of the combination of railway land and the transportation production. 以强化铁路用地的资产意识为目标,把铁路用地同运输生产有机结合起来,首次提出了铁路用地投入强度指标与铁路用地产出指标。
Based on a two-( multi-) bed and a rotary adsorption refrigeration system, the performance evaluation index of cooling capacity output, i.e. its continuous and stability was put forward. 本文在介绍双(多)床交替吸附制冷和旋转式吸附制冷基本原理的基础上,提出了吸附制冷冷量输出品质评价指标,即冷量输出的连续性和稳定性。
The paper adopts both the microscopic indexes and some macroscopic indexes, and the macroscopic indexes include appearance index, maximum gas output, stabilization time, the plastic content in the refuse and the settlement of dumps. 本文同时从宏观和微观两个方面同时进行,宏观指标包括表观指标,最大产气量,稳定化时间,塑料含量和表面沉降等指标;
The normal state vectors are clustered in multiple dimension space utilizing Fuzzy ART clustering characteristic, the autonomous expansibility of network output-layer node, and the index number of network output nodes, which represents the classification of normal condition vector. 该方法利用FuzzyART的聚类特性及网络的自主扩展性,对系统正常状态向量在多维空间进行聚类,并以网络的输出节点编号代表正常状态向量的类别。
Adopting frequency-mixed PLL scheme, the frequency dividend ratio in loop is greatly reduced; choosing components with low phase noise, and using comb spectrum generator instead of traditional big step loop, low phase noise index is achieved in output. 通过混频式锁相环方案,大大降低了环内分频比,选用低相噪器件,以及采用了梳状谱发生器代替传统的大步进环等措施,使输出实现了低相噪指标。
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Index of Gross Output Value of Farming A Model Jiangxi Province 农业总产值指数影响因素的模型分析&以江西省为例
The background, actuality, index of output, major technological routines, design of leaf shape and its progress on super-paddy were analyzed. 分析了国内外超级稻研究的背景、产量指标、主要的技术路线、株叶形态设计,并介绍了进展情况;
Extract normalized vegetation index and statistical output information based on the relation of corn yield, constructing normalization vegetation index with regression equation. 提取出归一化植被指数与统计产量信息关系的基础上,构建玉米产量与归一化植被指数的回归方程。
On this basis, an index system including output performance& process performance which can be used to evaluate the innovation are outlined. 在此基础上,从产出绩效和过程绩效两个层面设计了评价跨国公司技术创新绩效的指标体系。